Why Dental Implants Won’t Make You Self-Conscious

Why Dental Implants Won’t Make You Self-Conscious

Posted by Dr. Alexander Wenner Aug 06, 2023

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Dental implants can make an incredible difference in the lives of patients, allowing them to chew food more easily than ever before. They’re durable, beautiful, and easy to clean. With all of these things going for them, it’s easy to see the dramatic change that they’d be able to make in your life if you’re missing teeth.

However, just like any big change, you might wonder what others will think. You might even be a little bit embarrassed about getting dental implants. Here’s why that shouldn’t be a concern for you.


Dental implants are made out of the highest quality dental materials, allowing them to perfectly emulate a natural tooth. The restoration will be color-matched to your smile allowing it to blend in with the rest of your teeth.

It’s also connected to the jawbone just like the rest of your teeth, which only adds to the realism. For these reasons, most people who haven’t met you before would have no way of knowing that one of your teeth isn’t real.


If you’ve been missing one or several teeth for a long time, you’ve probably felt like going out to dinner presents more challenges for you than it does for others. That can make it hard to enjoy the time you spend with others, much less the food you’re eating.

Dental implants can restore a lot of the bite force that you may have lost when your teeth came out, which can make the time you spend with people you love much more enjoyable.


Just like a luxury watch or a sports car, dental implants are something beautiful and functional. They represent you making an investment in yourself, in both how you look and how you feel.

Dental implants are nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything, it’s the opposite—they show that you are happy to take care of yourself and that you are conscious about your oral health. 


Dr. Alexander Wenner loves the field of dentistry, and takes enormous pride in being able to help patients who have long struggled with their oral health get the smiles that they’re looking for. Dr. Wenner received his degree from the Meharry School of Dentistry and completed his residency at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. He constantly works to continue his education across various fields of dentistry, including implantology.

If you have any questions about dental implants, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (817) 646-6544.

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